I hit reply to say that we don’t need more apps imo.

I’ve had some related thoughts which in my head refer to something like ‘Too much tech’. Not everything need to be app-ify. What about establishing new communities or educational resources? Maybe we’ll need an app for that too, but at least we could form new frameworks and meaningful relationships.

I think we’re surrounded in tech bubble by people who benefit from the culture of ‘all you need is app’. Although I'm not hinting for a politics game, I'm sure people really hold such opinions.

I guess in part it's my tech fatigue, but I’ve started to feel a sense of disgust—why don't why we build other things than apps?

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I definitely don’t think we need more apps. Many things, like community, we need much more.

I just happen to be really good at building apps and inexperienced at building communities. Apps also tend to be better at paying the bills, which is unfortunate.

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